2023-2050 Metropolitan Transportation Plan

2023-2050 Metropolitan Transportation Plan

The Long-Range Transportation Plan, officially known as the 2023-2050 Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) under federal regulations, provides a blueprint for the future development of the region's transportation system including, travel demand forecasts, a future-needs evaluation, and an assessment of proposed highway, transit, micro-transit, bicycle, and pedestrian transportation projects for the next 25 years.
2023 NRPC Region Transportation Survey Results Summary
Nashua Region Metropolitan Transportation Plan 2019-2045 (adopted 12/19/18)
Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) 2023 to 2050 (adopted 12/20/2023)

NRPC MTP Crowdsource Content Map
The Nashua Regional Planning Commission (NRPC) designed this map to collect public comments and feedback on transportation issues in the Nashua region. The comments provided in this map will inform the Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP), a long-range plan that identifies transportation issues, policies, strategies, and projects over the next two decades. Users have the opportunity in this map to provide original comments or respond to others' comments.  Click on the image to try it out!MTPCrowdsource - Copy

Nashua MPO Viewer
This storymap provides a brief narrative of the transportation planning process and current projects in the Nashua Region.
Click on the image below to learn more!
